This test only detects the most common type of hearing loss.
The sound response of computers, speakers and headphones varies
and can effect this test.
To run this test:
- Make sure the room is quiet.
- Push the "Set Level" button and a sound will play
for 10 seconds. Adjust your speaker or headphone volume until you
can just barely hear the sound (headphones preferred).
If using headphones, test one ear at a time.
- Push the 500, 1000, 2000, 4000 and 8000 Hz buttons without
re-adjusting anything. Skip the 500 Hz tone unless your environment
is really quiet.
- If you are not able to hear one of these tones you may have a
hearing problem.
- Try increasing the sound level of the tones you didn't hear to
verify the tone was playing on your device.
- Have another person check the tones you are not hearing to see
if they can hear them.