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Purchase Recommendations
The different otoscreener models came from test studies and customer trials. Different users prefer different models for a variety of reasons. Following are some general suggestions. However, personal preferences will vary.

OtoScreen III - if you already own an OtoScreen I or OtoScreen II model, this is a good choice for a new unit. Having models with different user inferfaces can be confusing in the same office. This unit is also the best choice for Pediatric screening since screening usually begins with the softer tone.

OtoScreen IV - if you want to begin a screening session at the lounder 40dB tone, this model is a good choice. OtoScreen IV works well for adults and seniors. Once the unit "toggles" to the 40dB level, it stays there. In the 40dB mode you can test the patient for any frequency at the louder tone without sequencing through the softer tone first (like OtoScreen III).

OtoPulse - this model is useful in several ways. If you are testing a subject with Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) the pulsing option can help overcome this. The "pulsing" can also be used for clearer communication with the test subject. For instance, if you are testing a senior, you can present the "pulsing tone" and ask what they hear. If they don't respond that they hear pulsing you know they aren't hearing the tone either. This helps to eliminate "false positive" results.

OtoSimple II - OtoSimple II is a one-button device intended for screening seniors. It is less expensive than the two button devices described above, but is only available as a 25/40 db HL unit (no Pediatric version). Like the OtoPulse it begins pulsing when the button is held down, but for this unit it automatically switches to a 40 db HL tone level when pulsing and reverts back to 25 db HL and a pure tone when the button is released.

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